Black Kids are a Different Species?

STV Productions analyzes a recent anti-choice campaign where race is used as a method of “proving” that abortion is a conspiracy set out to kill babies. Just a thought, if they wanted to inform the public of the racist plot on killing black babies, maybe they should of created an ad campaign that wasn’t racist. Last time I checked, all humans are the SAME species. Black people are Homo Sapiens too, folks. FYI. Plus its just plain fucked up to talk about a child as if they were a tiger or a panda. Not that I don’t give props to tigers and pandas, but WTF? Its playing directly off of the historical exoticism of people of color as animalistic and “primitive,” which in sad reality does make it more likely for white people to take an interest. Its like the SPCA billboards for adopting cute, wide-eyed baby animals, except this time its baby humans…

x-posted : Amplify Your Voice

One thought on “Black Kids are a Different Species?

  1. nome says:

    zomg, thank you for covering this! I read about it on femininsting (ugh, stumbleupon, did not go there of my own free will) and they almost completely left out anything about race so I was hoping someone would look at it a little… better.

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