Sucess at GenderQueer Holiday Show

The Royal Renegades Radio City Hall Holiday was a big hit, and as usual the place was packed. The Royal Renegades, a Columbus, Ohio drag troupe, is one of the oldest troupes around, and by around I mean in the country. They are a great bunch of folks who are kind enough to invite me to perform in their shows. Theatrics and humor are a just as much a guarantee as some fabulous genderfucking, which makes them a particular favorite of mine.


Frank Sinatra, JAC McFaggin’ Style


More photos under the cut!

Continue reading “Sucess at GenderQueer Holiday Show”

IDKE XI Tucson: No Borders!

Well it has been quite the weekend. The International Drag King Community Extravaganza had its 11th conference in Tucson, AZ. There were kings, there were femmes, there were genderfuckers, there were cactuses… It was a good time had by all. I will probably post some commentary stories relating through the week. I had a great presentation of “Bending Desire” with some great discussion and I was busy busy either backstage and or front for the rest of it! I would have done it when I was there but I was too busy actin’ cool… as a cactus… which is actually probably hot and prickly… which is also sexy.

Here are some pictures of myself with some dear friends, who also happen to be amazing big deals. Well you know what they say about birds of a feather… ;)

jac and kate

Cuddling with Kate


Me during my performance piece

More pics under the cut ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Continue reading “IDKE XI Tucson: No Borders!”

TransOhio and Fabulously Fluid

This past weekend the 2nd annal TransOhio Transgender and Ally Symposium occurred and was a big hit! This year we got over triple the attendance we had last year. I am eager to see what we’ll have next year. Ohio is on its way!! Sorta!

Our keynote speaker was Helen Boyd, and was even for fantastic than I anticipated. I met her when taking a break from organizing the morning workshops. We picked up an awesome conversation about genderqueer spaces and community politics. I have a total crush on her.

Aside from random organizational duties, my main charge was the entertainment. On Saturday the show Fabulously Fluid: a night of Genderbending Performance took off and did great! With the help of Gavin and Laura of Dangerous Productions, there were no major catastrophes. It was the biggest show I’ve directed, and man I’m taking a break! The Black Mondays, Royal Renegades, CKG, and more were there. I did a tap routine where rocked out my sequined-fringe flapper dress I got in 9th grade. It was awesome.

JAC McFaggin’ GenderFuck

My send off show with the Black Mondays.The show was themed as a GenderFuck in my honor, because the troupe members are amazing and I love them. The show was packed and a ton of fun.



Me and Big Gay MotherFuckin’ Al


My parents and sister


Backstage with Special K and La Femme Demanda before genderfucked “Rama Llama.” I made the skirts :)


My first performance in full femme drag. I got this dress at a thrift in highschool. My best friend had a matching one and we used to wear them to school.


Impromptu “Thriller” performance after the show. I think I make a better MJ in the skirt.

Once a Black Monday, always a Black Monday. I am sure I will have more performances with folks from the troupe. It’ll be hard not being in Cincinnati, not going to practices and seeing my 2nd family every week after 3 years of being in together… I’ll make it through, we all will. The troupe itself needs a break, all of us need a break I think. But not matter what we do, were we go, we’ll always be connected.