Prostituting Politics

I just wanted to highlight Keith Olberman’s astute comments on yesterday’s Supreme Court decision to overturn corporate finance reform. What does this mean for us? The average, or more so avoided, citizen? A whole fuck of a lot. This “democracy” that we live in which is already hit several points of demise and corruption has reached the rock bottom. The system is now wide open to be bought, sold, and used as a tool for the money-filled suits who only care about one thing: making themselves richer. Communities considered ‘less than,’ which is anyone who doesn’t make 7+ figures a year, anyone who isn’t part of the norm, anyone who needs support or funds or healthcare, anyone who needs rights and access, will sink further and further from “public” interest until our needs have disappeared into the oblivion created by the now openly prostituted political machine.

“I would suggest a revolution… but a revolution against the cooperation who make all the guns and the bullets?”

GenderQueer in the Midwest

Mini-documentary about your favorite pink haired femme boy by Hunter Stuart at Stuart Productions

You can also access the video on YouTube. Please help us to SHARE this video by RATING it (the five little red and grey stars), COMMENTING, and SENDING to your friends and coworkers!

The Midwest is crawling with queers. Not because of any strong presence but in the more literal sense. Queers are crawling because we do not have the space to stand up. We do not have the resources that would enable us to live full, healthy lives. We, like so many others, are isolated in our homes, in our towns, controlled and confined by others, longing for life and being unable to live it.

I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. When I came out as trans I didn’t know anyone who was like me and I had no way of finding them. The city‘s “gay“ scene was practically extinct and no trans or queer scene it had never existed in the first place. There was no space for me, so I decided to try and make one.

Continue reading “GenderQueer in the Midwest”

A Winter Wonder…

A very interesting 1930’s cartoon I stumbled across.

1930’s Christmas Cartoon


Why does one of the guys have an NRA tattoo?
Is the King trying to be a good person and help the other guys get clean? Why did he get in the tub too??
If he was just trying to help them out, why hide until they get upstairs? Isn’t he the king? Can’t he do whatever he wants?
AND I really wanna know what happens after that dude eats the soap!